Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My current status - all good

I'm still breastfeeding, almost 14 months after birth. But my pubic symphysis is 99% back to normal. I didn't say 100% because when I'm extremely tired or sick, there can still be some pain in pubic symphysis area. If I walk toooooo much, I can feel it too. But that's only minor compared to my back pain. And I really can live with my back pain now, so I would say my pubic symphysis is ok enough.

There can still be a little bit of bladder prolapse feeling, not real bladder prolapse, if I carry lots of heavy stuff. So I try not to carry my 10.7kg DD2 whenever possible. It's easier now since she can walk.

What I did for my recovery? Not much. I didn't exercise. I didn't go to any therapy. I did see a physio for bladder prolapse though and thanks to her tremenous efforts I can hardly feel the discomfort unless I over do myself. What I did was just rest as much as I could, used the belt when needed, knew what I should do and what I shouldn't, and that's pretty much it. I would say you really need to look after yourself, take it easy, let the pain be your guide and listen to your body, if you're lazy like me who don't like going to any medical appointments and who don't like exercise at all.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for creating this blog there seems to be such a lack of information about this. I was just wondering did you ever get another x-ray done showing it's back to normal? My x-ray shows it's under 5mm which is normal for a non-pregnant woman, but my ligaments and muscles need to get stronger. My Orthepedic surgeon told me it takes between 6 months to a year to fully heal. I'm also getting physical therapy and going to a Chiropractor. I'm still using a cane I know I should start using it less I guess I'm still a bit scared to but full pressure when walking but I've been walking without it as part of my physical therapy. I am also going to start taking ableheal supplements from it is a natural supplement that's supposed to heal the body, cells, tissues etc. I learned about it from Kevin Trudeau who speaks very highly about it.

How are you doing now? Do you still get pubic pain?

Rowena said...

No I never got an xray after the one showing 1.5cm gap. I don't think it's ever gone back to 'normal (I mean pre-pregnancy)' and I don't expect so, looking at how my progress has been. It seems that it healed to a point and then stays there forever. It doesn't bother me any more though. I can live my life pretty much as normal, being careful not to do 'dangerous' things. I can still feel the pubic bones griding each other when rolling in bed. But no pain. Now I've got my menstrual period back and I still don't get the pain. So I'm happy enough.

I would say from my experience, that you can use your pain as your guide. If it's too much pain, I wouldn't give up the cane. When there's not much pain, I could try walking without any aid to get my own muscle stronger and stronger.

Hope this helps. Feel free to leave a message or email to discuss.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Rowena I really appreciate you sharing your experience. Yes I will continue to use the cane until I am pain free, my physical therapist also suggested that to keep me walking straight and as normal as possible. Do you know if your ligaments were torn from the first pregnancy? I only got an Xray which showed slight misalignment and 4mm gap which is supposed to be normal width for a non pregnant woman, my physical therapist says even though the gap is normal it's the ligaments that need to heal and develop scar tissue.


Rowena said...

Yes my physio said my ligaments were torn after I gave birth to my first baby. No one mentioned the gap at that time. I only knew about the gap after I did some research 3 months later, and confirmed 9 months postpatrum. However I was told by a doctor that ligaments grow in one week and if the gap is not closed by then, it might never be able to close to its normal position. About 1.5 years postpatrum I was told by another physio that there was a misalignment at the gap and she did a bit of manipulation but I'm not sure if the misallignment was fixed.

So after I had my second baby, I went straight to the belt binding and minimized any activities, hoping that the gap could be closed as soon as possible when the ligaments were still growing back. It seemed that it worked.

Now 16 months after the second baby, I'm pain free, but when rolling in bed the pubic bones still grind each other. I'm not worried too much about it. It might never heal. But as long as I don't have the pain, and be careful not to tear the ligament again, I believe I should be fine.

Good luck to you. And if you have any questions to discuss I'm happy to try.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rowena,
I wanted to share this website with you it is super informative and helpful.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your story Rowena it means a lot to us woman going through similar circumstance.

Best to you and your family

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