Last Saturday I went bushwalking and had to climb some rocks and my pubic symphysis has been having pains since then. This happened once before, after I thought I recovered from PSD. So my conclusion from this is: climbing may cause relapse. So no more difficult bushwalking for me any more! I will only allow myself to walk on level grounds.
I was wondering if the Chinese dr was right and it healed better after the second birth?
I cried when I found out I was pregnant because the only thing I could think about was the pain pain pain I was in after birth. I didn't have anything before the birth. This time I'm in so much pain i can barely walk and been crying out in pain at 23 weeks. I go to an amazing pain management dr so he helps some of it out with adjustments and some German electro pulse machine but still it is pretty bad.
After the first birth my OB said it would be c-section if there was a second baby. We haven't discussed it but I know I can decide myself. Information about this symptom has contradictory information natural birth again or c-section. so interested to hear if you feel better, worse or same after a second natural birth.
Hi Tina
I am sorry to hear that you are in such pain. I don't think anyone can avoid large amount of pain during a pregnancy after PSD. But to answer your question, yes the Chinese doctor was right, and I feel like I am a totally normal healthy person.
From my personal experience, PSD is an injury. And if it is as severe as mine, it is very difficult to heal in a short period of time. A couple of years is insufficient. And a pregnancy can make it worse. But it doesn't mean it cannot become better afterwards. It's just that a pregnancy takes so long and it puts such a big pressure on the injured pelvis, not to mention the changes it makes to the pelvis.
I had a very difficult pregnancy too, after my pregnancy. But it was worth it. I did everything that I could, to progect my pelvis during the pregnancy and delivery, as well as after the delivery. And I proved that a PSD sufferer can survive another pregnancy and natural birth, and can heal better and quicker than the last one.
I cannot tell you whether to choose c-section or natural birth. I believe both will be fine as long as you know what you're doing and you do all the right thing.
My way of having another natural birth was using the natural healing process to mend the injury caused by the last birth. It was a success for me. And I believe it will be successful on other people too, as long as they do the right thing. Please refer to my diary of my second pregnancy: and my conclusions
A c-section, although I have never tried, I beleive will avoid another injury (although it can be avoided by an on-all-fours position in a natural birth anyway), which can give you a peace of mind. However as I have never done it before, I'm not sure what happens afterwards. I only have Tahiri's experience on this blog to give you an idea.
I hope that helps in some way.
Please do not hesitate to leave comments if you still need to.
Take care
Thank you Rowena it helps to know there is light in the tunnel and it can heal. It has been almost 2.5 years since my first and I was just started to feel like my body was coming together again.
Just hearing that even after two you healed eventually is music to my ears! :)
I'm not for c-section if it can be avoided. I did everything I could to prevent it with the first time even though the dr was for for it (hind site I wouldn't be in this position now). My husband is also traumatized from my injury last time so this time both of us are a bit more open to anyway the little guy can come out.
Thanks again and I will take a look at the links you referenced above.
Take care
No worries Tina. Good luck with everything. And let me know how you go if you can.
How much separations you had from the beginning?you have 1.5cm left now right?..I am suffering same not during pregnancy but after the delievery of my child...
Hi I don't know how big the separation was when I had the injury. It was 1.5cm 15 months postpatrum.
hi there, I suffered from a shatered pelvis, they surgically repaired me, but afte a few months i still wasnt able to walk, so they gave me oxycontins fir the pain and 2 weeks later, during physical therapy, they got me using a walker, well iwhag, it fet like bome was grinding on bone. so a .second surgeon at same offide eated ans using ttanim plates and lots of screws to hold the pelvis together, the both of them made so many mistakes, i becaame wheelchair dependant for the rest of my life. ive accepted the fact i wasnt going to ever wal again. if they suggest surgery to " fix" PSD get other opinions from orthopedic doctors that agree. i am stuck n a body that from the waist down. them i was sent to a neurosurgeon who suggested a bionic spinal implant., good luck with everthing, i hope you get some rekief, Recently while transferinf from my hand wheeled wheelckair to my electricone, i some how fell and broke mt back, so please exscuse the typos kinda hard to see what im doing while flag on my back using my laptop hitting the keys from mmemory, They told me ive got a 6 moth recovery time. bu i am grateful for each day God aolllows ,me to open my eyes.... Bless you take care, Ladybugs mommy, also known as Tina, (my real namer lolero
Thanks for sharing your experience Tina. It's shocking to read your message. I thought my experience was bad enough. I am so sorry to hear what has happened to you. I hope there is some way to make you better. Sometimes I feel what doctors do are just like experiments. It's scary how we have to rely on them to fix our problems. Have you tried taking legal actions against them? I guess they always have excuses because my orthopedic surgeon did tell me that the successful rate was very low and he didn't suggest surgery on me. Comparing to your case, mine was only minor....
I hope something good will happen to you soon. And thanks for typing all those words when you have so much difficulty doing so. Please feel free to post whenever you need to.
Please take care and good luck with everything.
I found your blog a couple months ago, and wish I found it 3 years ago. My son is 3 1/2, born July 2009. I suffered a very bad separation that has never gone back. It is still about 25mm separated. After birth, I could not get out of bed (or roll over). I spent 8 weeks dependent on a walker, and 5 months more on a cane. I think my son was 6 months before I could put pants on standing. But then at 9 months I strained by glut muscle trying to strengthen it and at that point i was burnt out on PT, and didn't realize the extent of the strain. I only went back to PT when he was 2, thinking if I could get a little stronger, maybe I would have a second child. But instead, I sprained my glute muscle again and it took 7 more months of PT to get off the cane altogether again. I pretty much gave up the idea of a second. But now as it has improved slightly (still painful to stand long enough to make dinner and an outing to the zoo is very painful and requires sitting down every few minutes), and my 38th bday approaches, I'm worried I might regret having another. I feel like every one is pregnant with another, and I'm still in pain from the first. But I don't want to regret passing up the chance of a 2nd, and being sad still 10 years from now. So basically I'm scared of the years of rehab and pain, and the thought of it overwhelming my husband and I. What if the child has special needs on top of my limitations? But I'm also scared I'll regret not having another. It may be too later already. So much more I could say, and I don't really have a question. I just wanted to thank you for putting your story out there. Are you still pain free? I am intrigued by the idea that a second birth could make it better.
Hi Megan
Thanks for sharing your story. I am sorry to hear what you have gone through. It sounds like you have a more severe case than mine. I never had any bad strains or relapse like yours, probably because I never followed PT's advice, by being too lazy to do any exercises.
I never felt I should do any exercises when recovering from a major injury. I feel that when the body is recovering it needs rests, not being busy.
I know what you mean about another baby. I would feel the same too. 38 is not too old to have babies. I have many friends who started their first babies when they were 37-38. Now they all have more than one child. My sister-in-law had her first baby at the age of 44 and she's planning her 2nd. So you still got a long time to go. I think if you look after yourself well you might find yourself well enough in 2 years to have another one. You will know when you reach that point.
In some of my other posts I have mentioned that having another baby can help recover from the first injury. It is believed among many Chinese, including Chinese doctors, that any injuries caused by the birth, or women's health problems, can be "mended" by having another baby. It's like giving the body a second chance to fix the problem. It happened to me. It's not miracle. Planning and rest is the key. Now I'm pain free, living like a normal person, with my two gorgeous girls. I might consider having even more children, since I have won the biggest battle in my life.
Not sure if what I have said has helped you or not. I hope (and believe) you will get better and better and have your next baby so you will not have regrets in your life.
Take care and please leave comments whenever you want to.
Hi Rowena,
Thank you so much for sharing your story. After the birth of my first (and only) child, I was in so much pain. I, too, saw many doctors and no one seemed to want to help me - many saying "you've just had a baby, what do you expect? you need more time to heal...etc". I felt like a crazed lunatic! During birth, my daughter was 'stuck' in my pelvis and they had me push for 3 hours! Apparently, I was a good "pusher" too. Finally, they vacuumed her out - leaving me with a lot more damage than I even knew possible! It took months to be able to stand.
My little one is now 2 years old. I am feeling a lot better. I live in a remote, northern community, so I had no access to physio. I did purchase a wonderful DVD called "Hab it" and did exercises religiously. I also saw an acupuncturist and aware that both of those things really helped me.
Anyway, now for a question...I have been feeling great for the better part of a year. However, an aching pain has returned above my pubic symphysis. It's a familiar ache and I don't feel the need to run to see a doc (which is a little difficult to do in my northern community). I am wondering if you can suggest anything? articles? exercises? It's strange because I have been on holidays and resting a lot more than usual. I cannot pin-point an instance where I could have hurt myself. but, it is possible that I did, as I lift my daughter and walk with her a lot.
Thank again for sharing your story and providing this outlet. I wish I had found it 2 years ago! I am also thinking of baby number 2, but now with this pain, I think I will wait a bit longer.
Thanks you!
Good heavens, tell me this gets better! My leg twisted out in Sept. and I have lost almost all pelvic function since, the muscles just refuse to work correctly ever since. They can't figure out if it's the PS, the SI or my hip or if all 3 are setting the others off, but I've gone from walking 6-8 miles a day to being unable to walk into a hospital to even be examined for bladder prolapse. I'm trying the belt, but that makes the pain in the PS almost unbearable. I can't even feel that area anymore other than pain.
Just please tell me this gets better, I have not recently been pregnant but feel constantly like I just gave birth. I live to go on fast walks and do sports, and now am stuck at home unable to work, play, love, etc.
Any advice would be much appreciated, and glad it's not just me out here.
Hi Nikki,
From my experience there can be relapse from time to time. As I was healing, I would forget to be careful sometimes. Lifting or carrying a baby is no good for this condition. So I guess you might be right that you carried your baby and caused a relapse. But my relapses usually do not last for too long and the healing still continues slowly. I think you just need to remember that you have this condition and you need to be careful in your daily activities.
Now I am perfectly normal and can walk for as long as I like without causing any pubic pains any more. I still cannot bear weight due to my back injury (another long story).
Hope this helps....
Hi Persephone In Exile,
I'm not sure what happened to you. It doesn't sound like the same condition as what I had. But as I have told many people, I am perfectly normal now. It took me a long time to be pain free (2.5 years) and be able to walk 10 minutes a time without pain, and it took another birth to heal. I'm not sure what you should do to heal, but all I did was to take it easy and rest as much as I could.
I hope you can find a solution to your condition and get back to your normal life soon!
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